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Try to find the answer which people frequently ask

  • Will the packing materials be included in the house moving service?
    We would not provide any packing material. But we do suggest ways to let clients to purchase themselves. Nevertheless, for the television size over 50" we do have a hard box to protect during move. Also blankets are being provided to protect items with delicate surface like piano or desk.
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    是!請按照以下簡單步驟新增圖片: 進入應用程式設定 按一下「管理問題」按鈕 按一下想附加圖片的問題 編輯問題時,請按一下圖示,再從圖庫新增圖片
  • 我能於常見問題中插入影片嗎?
    是!使用者能輕鬆從YouTube或Vimeo新增影片: 進入應用程式設定 按一下「管理問題」按鈕 點選您想附加影片的問題至 編輯您的問題時,點選影片圖示,再貼上YouTube或Vimeo影片網址 就這麼簡單!影片縮圖將顯示於回答文字框中
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